Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's Been A While!!

Am I the only one that is shocked that it is April?  You know I do this every year: enjoying the Christmas season, then in a haze until right about now.  So happy Spring!  I've actually been doing a lot of shooting lately - my sweet Catherine got married back in January and my friend Jeff and I shot that (will blog about it soon-prettiest, most regal bride ever - and Steve, what a doll!), and did the portraits for my son's preschool.  Preschoolers are hilarious, and so much fun!  Only one little guy did not like getting his picture taken, and kept stomping on my background!  It was pretty funny indeed.  We also moved, and that was huge.  Moving is a pain, but we are just about totally settled.

My husband took my son to Palm Springs for the weekend to hit the waterpark, and have some daddy/son time (this is my husband's version of camping - lol!), which is sooooo sweet!  So my daughter and I had some girl time, and I gotta tell you, she is sooo stinking cute!  For those of you who don't have kids, it's really indescribable to tell you how it feels to be a mom.  Your child can do the smallest thing like giggle, crack a smile, sing a song, give you a kiss, and your heart literally verges on bursting out of you.  I love finding out when friends are pregnant, especially with their first baby.  They don't have a clue the whirlwind that is about to hit them, and they will soon realize that this little person will change their life forever and ever.  In fact, you wonder how you lived so long in life without them.  My husband and I used to be crazy about our dog before we had kids, like we considered her a "child." That was until I had babies.  Still loved the dog, but not even a blip on the radar to loving our baby!  Anyhow, if you have kids you get what I mean.  If you don't have kids and want them....can't wait for that to happen for you. 

Here's a quick session I had with my little munchkin today.  Her hair is growing in more so in the back, so it's a bit mullet-y right now, and I usually try to do something with it, but today we were just having some fun.

Rockin the big wheel..

She doesn't know how to go forward, so it's hilarious to her to push backward

Serious biker chick

So pretty!  I know I'm partial, I don't care.

Pointing at an airplane. Loving her chunky hand! :)

Oh yeah, ready to ride..

End of the day cool model pose...

I'm reminded again today why I really really really love photography.  She will never look like this again, and I won't forget how she looked today :)

Will post again soon!


Thanks for stopping by.....

Photography is so many things to's communication, it's a stopping of time, it's magic, it's art, it's a memory, it's a feeling, it's real life. I love seeing a picture and feeling an emotion from it -no matter the feeling - happy, sad, indifferent. I am probably more of a "happy photography seeker," with a huge appreciation of all of the other feelings.

Thanks for stopping by, and keep checking back...

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Yorba Linda, California 949.510.1470

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