Friday, December 11, 2009

Fashionable Family

So here is the coolest thing about blogging - I get to publicly (or at least for the few people who read my blog) tell everyone how much I love my friend Lisa, and show off some pics of her and her sweet family.

I have known Lisa since junior high school.  She was cool and confident even back then - to the point that sometimes she wasn't liked because of her confidence; made her seem like a snob, but she's not in the least.  We were cheerleaders together, in each other's weddings, at each other's side for so much stuff.  I adore her and appreciate her.  What I love love love about her, is she can handle any situation, at any time.  Case in point - I took her along with me for my first shoot for the dance studio, shooting their dress rehearsal.  She volunteered herself to come and help, "even if I just upload your memory cards, I'll be there to support!"  Well I threw a camera at her set in manual mode, and said get to work!  Not only did she handle the camera beautifully, she captured some great stuff.  She has owned a bridal shop, been a wedding coordinator, a bookkeeper, a waitress,....and is currently an international marketing guru for Meguiar's, and travels all around the world.  During all of these experiences, she's had her two sweet boys who are the apple of her eye.  They adore her, and what's cool is that they appreciate how hip their mother actually is.  During her travels, she met her husband Cedric, who absolutely adores her.  It's really fun to watch :)

She is the type of girl that really can do anything.  She'll do anything for those she loves.  When she heard that I took my daughter to the urgent care on Thanksgiving, she called and asked if I wanted her to come down and sit with me in the waiting room.  Her offering to do that meant the world to me.  She always calls and leaves me messages of encouragement, and I know I can use her as a fair and honest sounding board.  She calls me out when she thinks I'm making a mistake.  And I always know she's right.  Did I mention she was our Homecoming Queen?  That was such a cool moment!

So my payback to her for years of support is to shoot her family whenever she wants it.  I threw out some ideas for some pictures, and she pointed out that her family isn't very beach and park-like.  She wanted a fashion-type family shoot, so this is what we came up with. 

Love her awesome boys...

Obviously I could go on for days about this girl!
Love you Lisa, you're as good as it gets.


Sindy December 12, 2009 at 12:24 AM  

love this session!!! the whole family is sooo cool and like you you said "fashionable" ;-) i love the posses, the colors, the backgrounds...everything is sooo stylish! beautiful work Karen! :-)

Karen Moore December 12, 2009 at 6:24 AM  

Ohhh, thank you Sindy! I really appreciate that!!

Unknown December 12, 2009 at 11:27 AM  

Very cool Karen. Love the backgrounds, the poses, the angles - looks like it came out of a magazine! Very good collaboration between the two of you to come up with the idea and the location!

Anonymous,  December 12, 2009 at 12:07 PM  

Well Karen, Im one of those people who read your blog and ever since I was 5 I've thought that your amazing! I love your pictures!

Karen Moore December 12, 2009 at 4:56 PM  

Thank you Annabelle and Amy!

Thanks for stopping by.....

Photography is so many things to's communication, it's a stopping of time, it's magic, it's art, it's a memory, it's a feeling, it's real life. I love seeing a picture and feeling an emotion from it -no matter the feeling - happy, sad, indifferent. I am probably more of a "happy photography seeker," with a huge appreciation of all of the other feelings.

Thanks for stopping by, and keep checking back...

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