Friday, September 25, 2009

Shannon and Jason

What a great way to end a week, than with an awesome photo shoot! My friends Shannon and Jason are getting married in Spring 2010, and I feel privileged to play a part in this enormous time of their lives.

These two make a really great couple, and both have a warmth about them that makes you feel like you have known them forever. Love love love that!

Some of my most favorite moments in weddings and engagement portraits is when there is a genuinely loving moment shared between two people....and I capture it. That's what these shoots are all about! I was kind of far back from them for this shot , but was able to see their faces after I cropped.

Love that early evening warmth......

Thank you Shannon and Jason :)


Euphoria Imaging September 26, 2009 at 2:06 PM  

love the lighting and the focus, so wonderfully done :)

Diana Rush September 27, 2009 at 8:35 PM  

These are so great... you totally captured their love & the emotion!

Thanks for stopping by.....

Photography is so many things to's communication, it's a stopping of time, it's magic, it's art, it's a memory, it's a feeling, it's real life. I love seeing a picture and feeling an emotion from it -no matter the feeling - happy, sad, indifferent. I am probably more of a "happy photography seeker," with a huge appreciation of all of the other feelings.

Thanks for stopping by, and keep checking back...

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Yorba Linda, California 949.510.1470

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