Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Beautiful Day!

On a beautiful Southern California morning, I was fortunate enough to be asked to photograph Tanya and Charlie's wedding. Tanya is definitely not your typical bride, and was very embarassed about getting pictures taken. She looked amazing, you would think she would be showing off for me!!

The ceremony was small (just the minister and their children), but very sweet. What a perfect morning at Seal Beach, with not too many lookie loos.

So happy and in love.....

Now one BIG happy family! A happy bunch :)

Thanks for stopping by.....

Photography is so many things to's communication, it's a stopping of time, it's magic, it's art, it's a memory, it's a feeling, it's real life. I love seeing a picture and feeling an emotion from it -no matter the feeling - happy, sad, indifferent. I am probably more of a "happy photography seeker," with a huge appreciation of all of the other feelings.

Thanks for stopping by, and keep checking back...

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Yorba Linda, California 949.510.1470

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