Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Kindorf Recital

I was really fortunate to be asked to photograph the Kindorf Dancers dress rehearsal for their upcoming show "What A Feeling!" I grew up dancing at this studio, so it always feels like home whenever I'm at one of their events.
My friend Lisa and I took on a 10 hour day of shooting. I was handling up close shots, and she had the wide angle. It was really challenging because the lighting changed a lot, and quickly! It definitely kept us on our toes: making sure our camera settings were correct, as well as trying to capture the most interesting shot we could get.

I taught a few of these girls when they were younger, and now they have become such amazing dancers. Especially Catherine who is now the proud owner of the studio. We laugh about what a goofy teenager she was, and now is such a professional! So cool to see. To see more of our work, log onto my website http://www.karenmoorephoto.com/, click the "Client Proofing" tab, and enter password kindorf.


William Levin September 10, 2009 at 7:10 PM  

the lil girl dressed as a bee is the cutest, that is really cool.

Thanks for stopping by.....

Photography is so many things to me....it's communication, it's a stopping of time, it's magic, it's art, it's a memory, it's a feeling, it's real life. I love seeing a picture and feeling an emotion from it -no matter the feeling - happy, sad, indifferent. I am probably more of a "happy photography seeker," with a huge appreciation of all of the other feelings.

Thanks for stopping by, and keep checking back...

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Yorba Linda, California
www.karenmoorephoto.com 949.510.1470

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