Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Anniversary Debbie and Tim!

One of my dearest, oldest, sweetest, bestest friends Debbie and her husband Tim just celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. They thought it might be a nice time to get some family portraits taken to celebrate this milestone.

Their sweet kids, now five and four…..are the best. They will hold a pose for 20 minutes if you ask them to. Case in point, I asked her to stand still and smile while I walked out in the ocean to take her picture. The water came and got her skirt really wet, and Debbie said “what are you doing??!!!” I took the blame and said she was a good listener.

These four really have a great time together, and it is not hard to capture that!!

Deb and Tim, so proud to say I have known the two of you as a couple from the very first date!  What a privilege it has been to watch your family grow over the years.  Here's to many many more!!

Love you all!


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Photography is so many things to's communication, it's a stopping of time, it's magic, it's art, it's a memory, it's a feeling, it's real life. I love seeing a picture and feeling an emotion from it -no matter the feeling - happy, sad, indifferent. I am probably more of a "happy photography seeker," with a huge appreciation of all of the other feelings.

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